Thursday, January 31, 2008

School Holidays Are Nearly Over!

After 52 days or 7.42 weeks the kids are going back to school on Monday - but who's counting?!
I now have four jobs which is why I don't sell much on ebay anymore. I have a ton of stuff in my ebay cupboard to get rid of. I have resorted to donating it to the local thrift store.
My kids and I got stuck into their rooms and we got rid of a ton of junk! We gave three car boot loads of toys and clothes to St Vinnies, and filled up our big green wheelie bin with rubbish.

I spotted this kitchen on a great blog called decor8. This kitchen caught my eye because of all the pretty flasks, just like mine! I love the use of the pink with the red, very "Valentines."

This is my cheeky monkey of a daughter helping her dad make kebabs. Hubby discovered a great new recipe in his Jamie Oliver cook book. You use long sprigs of rosemary as the skewers and they infuse all the ingredients with a great flavor.

This is from the same ebay seller that I bought my pink Christmas sign from. It is on my watch list!

I cleaned up and rearranged the girls. They are all happily residing on top of the microwave :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Romantic Country

I know I have been missing for a while. Christmas and post Christmas are a hellish time for retail workers. I have three retail jobs so I was working constantly.
My dear blog has been sadly neglected and I haven't listed anything on ebay since November. On the plus side, I haven't bought anything either!
One of my fave magazines of all time is "Romantic Country." It is extremely difficult to get a copy of this in Australia but I hear it is freely available in the US. Fifi from Chez Fifi sent me a copy which I am so happy and grateful for - it is a fantastic issue!

This gorgeous house featured in the mag is all done in pinks and greens, my favourite two colours. I wonder if the owner, Elizabeth, has a blog? I noticed she has a rhinestone clock collection in one picture. I have always wanted to start a collection of these but they are very pricey!

This house had hand painted roses on everything. The above is a wooden curtain pelmet. Below is their fabulous bathroom with roses painted on the cabinets.

A lot of us like using the wooden wall words in our homes. These have a touch of bling!

I came across this book on Amazon recently. Isn't the cover divine? Am coveting a copy.