Friday, July 16, 2010


Just a quick catch up. My news - I finally got a permanent bookkeeping position so I am out of retail! I have told my boss at the furniture shop I am happy to work casually because I want to keep the discount! But we will see what she says; she is being told to keep cutting hours, I think I got out at the right time.

I came across this photo and it reminded me of how I had wanted to do the same thing with my pantry door. You need to be an organised, tidy person to pull off this look! But it would so open up the kitchen - and would look fab lit up.

I bought this off Barnowl Primitives on etsy. It now has pride of place above my oven. This talented lady does lots of wonderful designs.

This is from the furniture shop and why I need to keep that discount! Would look great over the dining table!